Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama's Afghan Retreat

Well, as we all heard President Obama announced his decision to send approximately 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan over the next few months. In a very uninspiring speech to a mostly uninspired West Point audience, he added that he will begin to pull the troops out 18 months from now. That must be very heartening to the Afghan population who will have to choose between being loyal to the present U.S. supported Afghan government or the Taliban. Who would you try not to tick off, the weak Afghan government, or the Taliban who will be around in one form or another after the bulk of the Western forces leave before the job is done?

What the President and Commander-in-Chief really meant was that he was adding additional troops to cover his retreat just when the 2012 Presidential primary season begins in mid 2011. Well isn't that a coincidence. I believe he has no intention of seeing this war end in "victory" - a term that seems illusive to him. It is only a means to a self serving political end - his re-election. I know my view seems harsh and I hope I'm wrong, but who else would telegraph their intentions in a war. How do you think the Afghan government officials think, especially those adamantly opposed to the Taliban? Without U.S. protection they may be in great danger once the withdrawal takes place. How do you think many in the military feel that they may be risking their lives for something far short of victory? The world is watching every move the U.S. takes, and what they see is weakness, not strength of purpose.

Somehow the President was able to convince his military commanders and Secretary Gates that he means to stick it out given the conditions on the ground, but what are these conditions specifically, and who will interpret these conditions when they are met? The President hopes he can convince our NATO allies to send more troops but their resources are limited. Much of their governments' spending was diverted to the costs of running socialist systems at the expense of their military, plus the fact that they became all too dependent on America's military might to protect them over the last 60 plus years.

I don't remember a time when President Bush put the budget before our national security, but President Obama mentioned the monetary cost of the war in his speech, as well as on other occasions. He is worried the military spending will stifle his very costly socialist agenda. I don't know anything that trumps the cost of protecting our nation, but I feel he thinks much differently. I believe that his heart isn't in this fight against radical Islamic fascism, and his uninspired speech shows it. And Iran - well, that is another matter.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Marxism is Back

Yes folks, Marxism has returned to rear its ugly head. But this time it is right in our own backyard. Obama and his cronies are fast infiltrating the government more rapidly and efficiently then even I predicted prior to his election. He certainly meant what he said when he wanted to "remake" America. In the 1950's we had all sorts of fears that communists were infiltrating the government. At the time those warnings may have been overdone and premature, but today we have a cult like figure supported by an unsuspecting and incompetent press allowing this socialist/communist "makeover" and they still don't seem to realize the danger to our country's future. It's much like the old story of the frog sitting in cold water while the water is slowly heated to a boil until it's too late to jump out. Well, the pot is getting warmer, much warmer.

The "vetting" process during the 2007/2008 primary normally would have exposed a candidate's background and political philosophy, but the mainstream media totally ignored Obama's radical Marxist/Socialist associations which would have exposed his political agenda and he would have been summarily rejected. But no, instead he was able to mesmerise the media and throngs of people into drinking the "kool-aid" of his message of "change" and "hope". They didn't seem to care what "change" or "hope" he was talking about. This was the perfect stage to allow the possibility of tyranny to reign once they legitimized his election.

The Associated Press recently assigned 11 reporters to fact check Sarah Palin's new book even before it's official release, and I can't think of any fact checking done by them on Barack Obama's two books that been in print for quite sometime. Instead they should be assigning these reporters to fact checking the horrendous health reform and cap and tax bills passed by the House. The media didn't seem to care what influence the Reverend Wright, William Ayres, and other radical associations had on his political philosophy. They still don't seem to care. The media made his fame and so now he is too big to fail in their eyes, so I won't hold my breath.

I know it's hard to believe, but the 2010 elections are going to be a referendum on whether our country will continue to be based on a free market capitalist system or a Marxist/Socialist regime, that is, if it's not too late by the time we get there.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Open Letter on Health Care to Selected Senators/Representatives

Just a word or two to let you and your fellow colleagues know that I
am fully against any further intrusion of government into our health
care system. Government meddling is slowly ruining our health care
system and health care will deteriorate further if government
expansion is allowed through a public plan or other requirements
and/or restrictions. Government programs like Medicare and
Medicaid have been one of the primary reasons why health care costs
have increased in the past 40 plus years by passing much of the
provider costs to the private sector and depriving health care
providers with adequate reimbursements. This will only worsen with
any form of a government-funded public option or health “co-op”.
We must also allow health insurers to adequately compete by
reducing the amount of federal and state regulation that discourages
competition across state lines thus giving people more choices. A
combination of increased availability of catastrophic insurance and
health savings accounts along with tax credits is a much better
alternative. Tax credits for U.S. citizens could be used to help
purchase a private plan with further subsidies for those truly in need
economically. This will be a lot cheaper than increasing the federal
intrusion into the industry. Additionally, illegal aliens should NOT be
eligible for government subsidized health care with the exception of
legitimate emergencies. Any emergency health care can be billed to
their home country while they are being safely deported.

More government programs are NOT the answer.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Example of Medicare

Many Americans want some degree of health care reform. Let's face it, it does have it's flaws, but the flaws aren't totally the fault of the private health insurance industry, nor the health care providers. Rather it is primarily the fault of the very entity that proposes to drastically alter the present system through draconian controls - yes, our government.

Take the Medicare program. It has been around for some 40 plus years and admittedly has increased the availability of health care to the over 65 age group. But at what cost and consequence? Every worker on a payroll pays a Medicare tax and will be automatically eligible at age 65 for Medicare Part A which covers hospital inpatient services only. They will be also eligible for Part B (outpatient and doctor services) for a small premium starting at $96.40/month which goes higher depending on income. The Medicare program tries to contain costs by severely restricting its reimbursements to hospitals, doctors, and other providers. These health care providers then have to make up for their losses by charging higher prices to private insurers and those that self pay. That's why a lot of medical providers are choosing not to participate in Medicare and will not accept patients with Medicare only. Medicaid (health care for the poor) does the same thing and that's why even fewer providers choose to participate. All Medicare (and Medicaid) does is redistribute the higher costs to the private sector and to the public at large.

Even with all the taxes, premiums, and the reduced reimbursements to health care providers, Medicare cannot sustain itself without massive tax increases, increases in premiums, even lower reimbursement rates, further rationing of health care, or raising the eligibility age. So, wouldn't you have to assume that Medicare is a financial failure? This is what would happen if everyone was on a public option government program. If it were accompanied by an eventual government purging of private health insurers because of their inability to compete, the result would be catastrophic leaving citizens to the mercy of the government plan.

Private insurers could not keep operating at a loss without increasing premiums. The government would be able have low premiums and simply cover its losses by increasing taxes and printing and borrowing more money. Many health care providers would not feel it worthwhile to continue providing care with stingy reimbursement rates and, without tort reform, paying huge increases in malpractice fees. Without sufficient providers, the government itself would be forced into running health care facilities with government paid workers. Because of the huge increases in government spending it would then be forced to cut spending on national security and the military, reducing our country's ability to defend itself. Remember Europe really relies on the military power of this country for their defense so they were able to decimate their military to help pay for all its government entitlement programs. This would have catastrophic consequences for the free world allowing totalitarian regimes to spread their ideologies.

So I ask if Medicare is so inefficient, then why do well educated policy makers and politicians continue to want to expand it? You guessed it - it is all about control. Let's hope they don't succeed, and, if they do, we can elect politicians who can reverse the damage in 2010 and 2012. I hope we're not too late.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Dumbing of America

Why do I think America is going dumb? First, let's take the election where about 53% of the American voting public voted for a virtually unknown person with no history of significant accomplishments and executive experience, and was promoted like a contestant on American Idol. Second, our Congress fast tracked a huge spending bill that no one could possibly comprehend, never mind actually read. Third, our House of Representatives passed a huge energy tax increase via an irrational cap and tax (sorry, I mean trade) bill and which our inexperienced President supports, that will, if enacted, bring the American economy to a standstill over the next few years and make it a third rate power. Third, the Congress is working on the destruction of our present health care system through massive government control through even more excessive spending.

What has gone wrong with our education system which has infected the population, media and many politicians with irrational ideas, such as, scientifically unproven man-made global warming, inept economic policies, giving freebies to capable but lazy and irresponsible people at the expense of productive people, personal irresponsibility, and lack of personal accountability? Even our VP, Joe Biden, believes we have to spend more to keep from going bankrupt. What? Say again?

These are all ideas that history has repeatedly told us will doom a society. Yet these ideas are pursued and even promoted by a political "elite" who probably wouldn't know what to make of it even if the enemy was staring them down with a cannon in their face. This is not the America that I grew up with.

The dumbing down of the American population and our political leaders will continue until somehow a sensible grassroots movement rises up and tries to slap America in the face, hopefully with a response like "Thanks, I needed that." Maybe then America will come to its senses and recover. I really hope so. But time is running out. Maybe it already has.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Left Awakens a Sleeping Giant

Sarah Palin has resigned as Governor of Alaska. I'm sure the left through their relentless pursuit of her demise, always hoped they could drive her out of politics. But did they? I believe her reasons were plain when she first reported her decision the other day. She knew that she could not continue effectively as governor without the constant distractions of and George Soros backed attacks by continually filing and defending frivolous ethics charges, nevermind the continuous and unprecedented personal attacks on her family. She knew she could continue the promotion of conservative principals across the country raising money for herself and fellow conservatives unchained by the confines of the office in a state where travel to the lower 48 takes almost a whole day.

Whether or not she becomes one of the final contenders for the 2012 Presidential race is immaterial at this point. Her ability to attract attention wherever she goes will serve as an excellent platform for a consistent conservative message in a time when our country yearns for a voice of reason in the Obama led quest toward a pseudo marxist/socialist republic bent on destroying personal accountability, wealth, and freedom. I am convinced that she will rise to the occasion and that the left will regret that all they have done is awaken a sleeping giant of whom our founding fathers would be most certainly proud.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm a Right Wing Extremist and Proud of It

I guess I'm now a "right wing extremist" according to Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security. I hold all the so called "conservative views" associated with right wing thinkers and I'm an ex-wartime military man so I guess I must be an "extremist" in their eyes. I even have a US flag and POW sticker on my car along with a "Don't Tread on Me" flag sticker. I'm also a gun owner and believe in protecting our Constitution and the freedom that made this country great, as opposed to a socialist, communist, and environmental totalitarianism that is being forced on us by an oppressive government, so I must be in deep trouble. So thank you Ms. Napolitano and Mr. Obama for helping me again remember why I, and so many others, are fighting to take our country back. So now if I'm stopped, I can say with pride that "I'm a right wing extremist and I'm proud of it". I think our founding fathers would be too.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Two Down, About 44 Long Months to Go

Well folks, now that our country, along with our economy, is well on the road to being destroyed by our newly elected President and Congress, we have about 44 long months to endure before we are able to elect some competent and less destructive administration (20 months for a new Congress). Of course, that assumes that we still have the right to vote without being harassed by ACORN and the like. Not only has this new administration and Congress been engaged in turning this economy and country upside down, but it is now even perpetrating a "lynch mob" mentality to "hang" the executives of an American company. Some of the leading Democrats in the Congress are doing their best to ferment anger among our citizens against these executives and their families. In addition they purposely want to select these individuals out for what has to be an unconstitutional tax, after this very same Congress allowed for these bonuses in the stimulus (a.k.a. porkulus) bill. They, of course, are doing this to distract people from their own culpability. What is really serious is that they are using private citizens and the mainstream media as props while trying to hide their careless spending spree. There was even a story of how a union organized bus tour was being arranged to purposely drive to the Connecticut homes of these executives to harass them and their families.

I can only hope that the people who voted for this incompetence are having serious second thoughts and will correct their mistakes in the next 22 to 44 months. I wish we didn't have to wait that long and hope that our country survives enough to reverse the damage that is yet to come.

Friday, February 27, 2009

It's an OBAMA Economy Now

Well folks, the massive stimulus bill has passed with another one on the way along with more bank bailouts and mortgage handouts. The 2009 budget deficit has now doubled with huge deficits projected for the next few years and no end in sight. The market has tumbled significantly since Obama won the election. So we can now say it is an Obama economy. Seeing these looming deficits with higher taxes on the horizon, cap and trade fees that will significant increase the cost of energy (windmill anyone?), and no significant incentives for businesses through lower corporate or investment taxes, it is no wonder that the business community and its millions of stockholders see only doom and gloom.

It is evident to me that my impressions of Obama throughout the almost endless 2007-2008 campaign, were true. He considers capitalism his enemy (he said so in his book), even though it was capitalism that made him wealthy. (As a side note, isn't it ironic that most of his wealth was achieved within the Bush years)? My only surprise is that he has started his radical leftist agenda even faster than I would have thought. I think his objective is to shove all his radical ideas through so fast that no one has any chance to read the fine print, and he has a congress with a radical, almost maniacal, leadership and the votes to do it. How long can the press cover for this guy? Our only hope is that he and his liberal allies will over reach and the public will begin to see the light, or dark, as the case may be. We may be seeing some cracks already.