Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm a Right Wing Extremist and Proud of It

I guess I'm now a "right wing extremist" according to Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security. I hold all the so called "conservative views" associated with right wing thinkers and I'm an ex-wartime military man so I guess I must be an "extremist" in their eyes. I even have a US flag and POW sticker on my car along with a "Don't Tread on Me" flag sticker. I'm also a gun owner and believe in protecting our Constitution and the freedom that made this country great, as opposed to a socialist, communist, and environmental totalitarianism that is being forced on us by an oppressive government, so I must be in deep trouble. So thank you Ms. Napolitano and Mr. Obama for helping me again remember why I, and so many others, are fighting to take our country back. So now if I'm stopped, I can say with pride that "I'm a right wing extremist and I'm proud of it". I think our founding fathers would be too.