What has gone wrong with our education system which has infected the population, media and many politicians with irrational ideas, such as, scientifically unproven man-made global warming, inept economic policies, giving freebies to capable but lazy and irresponsible people at the expense of productive people, personal irresponsibility, and lack of personal accountability? Even our VP, Joe Biden, believes we have to spend more to keep from going bankrupt. What? Say again?
These are all ideas that history has repeatedly told us will doom a society. Yet these ideas are pursued and even promoted by a political "elite" who probably wouldn't know what to make of it even if the enemy was staring them down with a cannon in their face. This is not the America that I grew up with.
The dumbing down of the American population and our political leaders will continue until somehow a sensible grassroots movement rises up and tries to slap America in the face, hopefully with a response like "Thanks, I needed that." Maybe then America will come to its senses and recover. I really hope so. But time is running out. Maybe it already has.