Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Nightmare

I awoke abruptly one recent night in a cold sweat. I dreamed that we had elected Barrack Hussein Obama as our President and he had already been our President for almost two and a half years.

In my dream our country was being transformed into a nation of "takers" (those living off the government). The percentage of "takers" was now over 40%. The percentage of households not paying any federal income tax has reached almost 50%, and one in seven people were using food stamps. In addition about 20% of men between the ages of 24-54 who were capable of working in some capacity were not working. With redistribution of wealth now well underway, we were on our way to have everyone share equally in the misery. The official unemployment rate was at 9%. Our national debt was well over 14 Trillion dollars, and we were continuing to print money and buy loans from ourselves to help pay the bills, hoping to hell that other countries will continue to loan us money as well.

The Justice Department was now taking anti-discrimination cases that only protected non-whites and were once again fostering "sub-prime" loans by intimidating banks into giving loans to supposedly disadvantaged people who couldn't afford to pay back the loan. (Isn't this what caused the financial crisis in the first place). People from other countries, like Mexico, were being encouraged to disregard our borders and just walk across the border rather than stand in line as part of a structured immigration policy. Companies, like Boeing, were being told where they can build airplanes and where they could not. Public sector unions were staging violent protests because they wanted more money from the overtaxed taxpayers to fund exorbitant benefits that the average taxpayer doesn't even get.

Our electrical producing plants can now only use windmills and solar cells if they want to expand. The government is promoting electric cars but no one knows where the additional electricity will come from. Offshore drilling for gas and oil are now stifled by government regulations. Coal is too dirty and nuclear energy is too dangerous in the government's eyes even if most of our electricity comes from coal and nuclear plants. Man-Made Global Warming is officially the main religion of the United States.

Our President was repeatedly apologizing for the United States for all its past "sins" that have protected the freedom we had all enjoyed up to now at least. We chose to assassinate Osama Bin Laden, our #1 enemy, rather than take him alive, but we state that the use of waterboarding to interrogate prisoners is too harsh.

After I woke up I said that this dream can't be really be true. I convinced myself that Barrack Hussein Obama wasn't really our President and these things were not really happening. I thanked God and the moon and stars, and went back to sleep.

Example Of What We Are Up Against

This shocking link to excerpts of what our kids are being taught in Tucson schools leaves nothing more to be said except that this is the type of anti-American, anti-white attitude, encouraged by an Obama monarchy.