Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Return of Conservatism: From the Ground Up

Well, unless the Republicans can miracuously come up with a candidate that represents the ideals of conservatism, the chances are that we will have a psuedo conservative President next year either in the form of a John McCain, or an extreme liberal President in the like of the Clintons or a Barack Obama. If that is the case, how do we get conservatism back into the mainstream? Michelle Malkin has an article that promotes the concept of working from the bottom up rather than from the top down. She basically says that we need to help get conservatives into our local governments, legislatures, and Congress if conservatism is to thrive. If we can't work conservatives in from the top-down than try from the bottom-up. It will take a couple of political generations but will result in a more solid conservative base. If we end up having an extremely liberal government take control over the next 4-8 years, it will eventually fail under its own weight, and hopefully the people will finally get the picture, and conservative principles will return with full fury from the bottom-up.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's one way to do it if all else fails - from the ground up. Many of the Republicans in the House and Senate do not remember what their principles are, and have compromised too much, spending too much of the people's money. Eventually younger, energized, roots-driven conservatives could boot them out of office.