Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Walking Away"

Now that Obama won, he is going in for the kill, i.e. kill the Republican and conservative messaging. The Dems are already taking aim at the next two election cycles hoping to gain seats if the Republicans vote for tax increases on the wealthy as Obama is proposing. The establishment Republicans and pundits ought to take a good hard look at themselves and harden their positions rather than negotiate with themselves and the media. 

I agree in walking away and let Obama take us over the "cliff" if he is not willing to make significant upfront budget cuts along with tax and entitlement reform. I know Republicans will get the blame but they will no matter what they do. Republicans have to stop worrying about what the leftwing media thinks. Obama will get his tax increases (on everyone) but the negative economic impact will leave Obama no choice but to deal. Sounds crazy but this country is falling apart without major reforms. Maybe it will work. We need some kind of shock to come to our senses. Voting for Obama for a second term is putting us over the "cliff" as a country anyway, so what do we have to lose.

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