Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Clinton's Playing the Race Issue

I think Dick Morris and Rush Limbaugh are maybe right; the Clintons are playing the race card in the SC Primary. The theory is that by conceding to an Obama victory made possible mostly by the black vote, it is made to look like he is getting his support from mostly blacks while much of the white and Hispanic vote is going for the Clintons. The Clintons are hoping that the rest of the remaining states' white and Hispanic Democratic voter population will see this and support the Clintons when they see that it is becoming a race oriented election. It doesn't surprise me that the Democratic political machine is the party of racists playing the race issue far more than the Republican machine. Probably the voter exit polls will either confirm or disprove this theory. We will see if it works.

The Clinton political machine is very powerful and Obama has to show that he is capable of fighting back effectively if he is to move forward in his party. So far he is showing he is much too soft.


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