Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Global Warming Hoax

They say there is a consensus that global warming (a.k.a. climate change) exists and that it is primarily man-made. They (i.e. the mysterious consensus) say the world (mainly the U.S.) must sacrifice the use of oil and coal to stop the climate change. Well, I ask, where is the proof? And, don't say we don't have the time to wait for the proof.

A true scientist doesn't go by consensus to establish a fact. The Law of Gravity started with a Hypothesis and progressed on to a Theory, and only later did it become a scientific Law. That is the way scientific thought progresses, not by unscientific consensus. Even Einstein's Theory of Relativity is still just a theory. It hasn't yet, after all these years, been proven. Yet we take man-made global warming as a proven fact. Should we now call it the Law of Man-Made Global Warming? The hoax is that many have already declared it a scientific Law based on a measurement of global temperatures over the past 100 years or so. They said there is a cause and effect of fossil fuel emissions and the earth's temperatures, but they have only shown that the two are just a correlation. They don't know if one causes the other. I bet I can show a correlation between eating pasta and those involved in auto accidents. I bet that 99% of the people involved in auto accidents have eaten pasta in the last 6 months. Does that mean that people who eat pasta get involved in auto accidents? The fact is that there is no scientific basis for this hysteria. We don't even have the tools and techniques available to study the matter. Computer models can be flawed and even purposely manipulated to produce a certain result. Far fetched and unproven assumptions can also be incorporated into the models resulting in worthless results. I heard from one reputable scientist that we have no measurement of rainfall activity throughout the earth's surface and without that data the computer models predicting global warming are meaningless. There is a lot more geological and climatological evidence to suggest that variations in the earth's temperatures vary naturally, such as, variations in the sun's energy and the effect of the earth's magnetic fields.

Our country (and the world) better wake up and get over this hysteria about fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, global warming, and climate change. With the significant increase in the world's demand for oil, higher prices for energy caused by our fear of building new refineries and drilling for more sources of oil and gas, and our fear of nuclear power, our economic prosperity will not only be significantly curtailed, but even reversed, resulting in economic catastrophe for ourselves and the rest of the world. Brazil and Mexico have discovered new oil reserves and China is helping Cuba drill for oil off our Florida coast, while this country can't even use 2000 acres of a 19 million acre national wildlife refuge or do any new drilling off the Florida or California coast. In addition we are causing food prices to skyrocket while turning our food supply into alternative fuels while we have an abundance of fossil fuels that will last for at least a few hundred more years. There is even some evidence to suggest that oil is still being made under the earth's crust. Countries, including our own and the U.N., our talking about carbon taxes that will increase the size and power of government further reducing productivity. Some have already done it.

We are fast becoming like the frog sitting in a pot of cold water while the burner slowly heats the water up to a point where it's too late to jump out. We need some of our politicians to take a stand against this hoax and say that until climate change can be proven to be caused by man, we must continue to feed the energy needs of our economic engine, while seeking reasoned and sensible alternatives to fossil fuels.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Compelling argument. I would agree. There is no evidence that global warming is man-made. The climate may be warming, but there is no conclusive evidence that the human race is causing it. For economic and independence reasons, we should be drilling for new sources of oil, building new refineries and building nuclear power plants, a clean source of energy that runs 85% of France. We have the technology to do all these things in environmentally responsible ways and should do them.