Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Big Bail Out Mentality

Here we go again. If the tax rebate bailout wasn't enough, we now have government talking about bailing out the home mortgage industry and mortgage holders who can't seem to afford what they agreed to pay for in the first place. Even though about 95% of mortgage holders have no problem paying their monthly payments, we have a bunch who the government says needs help. What is it with this bailout mentality? Can't we just let the system work to correct itself and leave it to personal accountability? I'm tired of having to pay for everyone else who can't seem to get it together. I guess the media who hype all our problems, and the supporters of big government can't leave well enough alone.

It wasn't long ago that people didn't always need to have big government come to the rescue, but today politicians need to have the Feds bail out every natural or man-made crisis to buy more votes. This wasn't the case in the past on such a massive scale. Where is the money coming from? You know where - from our pockets in the form of higher taxes. It won't be long before this country implodes on itself, and a revolution will be necessary to rescue ourselves from .... uh, well, ..... ourselves.


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