Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"It's the Oil, Stupid"

We always heard "it's the economy stupid" in campaigns past, but today I think it more fitting because of the emphasis on high energy costs, that we focus on "oil" and its primary derivatives - gasoline, heating oil, kerosene, and diesel fuels. Most of our politicians bemoan the cost of oil and its effect on our personal lives, but hardly any of them really get at the heart of the problem, and that is we need more domestic oil production and refinery capacity.

Although I personally promote the conservation of our natural resources, we cannot get carried away to the point that it will have a significant adverse effect on our economic growth. Unfortunately, we are now at that point, and our political leaders need to get the courage to advocate increasing our domestic production of oil and its fuel derivatives along with the increased use of nuclear power. To accomplish this they need to treat the environmental issues, such as "climate change" with much more skepticism and not so quick to dismiss the abundance of scientific facts that do not support man-made global warming.

This will take political courage since our media and the bulk of our politicians, along with our educators, have done a very good job of "indoctrinating" the public and our kids with the notion that we are destroying the planet with fossil fuels. This is hogwash. Lest we forget, oil, along with coal, are now and will be for the foreseeable future, our only economical sources of energy and there is plenty of it here on our own soil and offshore, contrary to the myth that there isn't. To shun this fact will doom our economic system and our way of life as we know it today. Many alternative sources of energy, such as wind and solar power, are much too expensive and each have its own serious problems. We have made nuclear energy into an enemy by our "nuclear phobia" but it is a relatively practical and clean alternative source of energy. Until we get smart leadership on this issue, our national economy will suffer like it hasn't suffered since the Great Depression. We need to act now before it will be way to late.


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