Saturday, June 26, 2010

Corporations Do Not Pay Taxes, People Do

Yes, you heard right. When a corporation or any business entity writes checks to pay taxes to the government, whether it be federal, state, or local, the cost of these taxes are always passed on to the individual in the price of the product or service they provide. The politicians who love getting more money from big oil, big pharma, or big anything, by "punishing" them for their alleged "greed" or "misdeeds", are really punishing you, the individual.

Take for instance the latest effort by Congress in its attempt to pass financial reform which includes a so called "assessment" to banks . Guess who pays? Right again - all of us end up paying in the form of increased fees or interest rates. Also, when a business needs to increase the price of their product or service, they may end up selling less, which means less production and, thus, they may have to lay off workers.

So, whenever you hear of government proposals to increase taxes on businesses, keep in mind that it amounts to a tax increase on all of us. The more government takes from the private sector, the more we lose.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama Ceding Territory Back to Mexico?

In an astonishing action, our dear President, has now taken the step of ceding part of the U.S. back to Mexico. No, this can't be true you say. But it is. The U.S. has posted signs along a 80 mile stretch of federal land known as the Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge, warning citizens to stay out due to potential violence by Mexican drug cartels. This places this section of land off limits to American citizens leaving criminals based in Mexico free to control this section of land.

Here we have a President who criticizes Arizona for passing an anti-illegal immigration law to help protect itself and then takes action that, in effect, cedes part of that state to Mexican criminals rather than take appropriate action to defend our borders. This amounts to the President failing to keep his oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States which includes its national security and should be an impeachable offense. This, of course, will hardly happen given this absurdly disastrous and compliant Congress. I'm almost starting to believe that this President may indeed be a "Manchurian Candidate" planted to subvert our Constitution and way of life. It's almost surreal.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Obama, Israel, and Iran

It is very obvious now that President Obama does not have a clue how to put a halt to Iran's nuclear weapon program other than through appeasement and almost laughable sanctions. Although Iran states that it only has the intent to use enriched uranium for peaceful purposes, most of the world knows that nuclear weaponry is very much on Iran's mind. It's obvious hatred of Israel and it's belligerent attitude toward that country gives Israel no choice but to take this matter seriously and consider a preemptive strike on Iran with or without the help of the U.S. So how can Israel force Obama's hand to take a tough and effective stand towards Iran's nuclear ambitions including the threat of military force?

I propose that Israel secretly convey to Obama through backdoor channels that if the U.S. does not take appropriate action to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons that it will be forced to strike Iran with conventional weapons including bunker busting bombs. It should add that if Iran retaliates and orders Hezbollah and Hamas to attack as well, and the U.S. does not come to Israel's aid, it would have no choice but to react with everything in it's arsenal including the use of nuclear weapons on Iran. It would tell the Obama administration that it would have no choice in protecting itself. It would say that if Obama chooses to leak this threat and try to spin it against Israel, it will deny it.

Unfortunately, because we have a very weak President who seems intent on appeasing enemies and dissing allies, Israel, as well as other countries that have always relied on U.S. military might, can no longer depend on the U.S. for protection. Our foreign policy has been terribly weakened by this President and it is unfortunate that a good ally like Israel may be forced to issue such a threat to force the U.S. into taking a stand. I don't know if it would work but Israel may have no choice with this president. Will it defend itself much like a grizzly bear backed into a corner, or would it just give up more territory to appease the U.S. and the rest of the world leading ultimately to its demise?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The First Un-American President

I think I was too kind in my last post about Obama being the first post-American President. I never thought I would see a President side with a foreign leader (the Mexican President), against one of our states. This excuse for a President is the most divisive, radical, and un-American person we have ever had as a President. In fact it would be real funny, if it weren't so real. America better wake up!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Obama: The First Post-American President

Yes, you heard me. Barack Hussein Obama is well on his way in becoming the first post-American President. He has been bent on transforming this country into something we soon will not recognize - an America that apologizes for its past, shuns exceptionalism, and redistributes wealth to an extreme while increasing the size and power of government over our economy and our lives - the Constitution be damned, full speed ahead. This is Obama's post-American vision.

President Reagan once referred to America as the "shining city on the hill" that serves as an example to the world of a prosperous and free society. Well, we can forget that vision as our dear leader is now taking us on a course that will destroy the wealth and opportunities for all Americans and reduce economic and individual freedom. We will become just another socialistic society taking wealth from the productive elements (while it lasts) and converting it to perpetual handouts, thus, destroying the individual's motivation to improve the quality of life for themselves and their family.

At the same time our military capability is being systematically weakened to eventually make it less capable of deterring potential foes such as China and Russia if they desire to expand their imperialism. I'm sure both of these countries, as well as smaller ones like Iran, Venezuela, etc. are happy to see our President take steps to diminish its military and nuclear capability as well as apologize for our existence thereby reducing its influence on the world, leaving these countries free to do as they will.

Our mainstream media can't get enough of its "charismatic" leader, who can't keep his facts straight and speak coherently without a teleprompter, and props his image up daily by making things look better then they really are, such as, good news when unemployment goes up and not reporting the "bad" news if it implicates the President's anti-capitalism, socialistic, man-made global warming, big spending, and debt ridden agenda. In addition he continues to divide this country through class envy and race baiting deepening the chasm between the "have" and "have not's" and the various race and cultural sectors of our society. If it weren't for his fawning media coverage, his approval poll numbers would most likely be at least 10 points lower somewhere in the mid to upper 30's.

Our only hope to turn back his disastrous and destructive policies is through public support for the obvious alternative political agenda of a much smaller less intrusive government, drastically reduced spending, decreased taxes, a strong military, and support for potential candidates aligned with these policies. It may take a few election cycles to reverse the serious damage already done by this administration, but I remain confident that enough of the "real" America is left to make this possible.