Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama Ceding Territory Back to Mexico?

In an astonishing action, our dear President, has now taken the step of ceding part of the U.S. back to Mexico. No, this can't be true you say. But it is. The U.S. has posted signs along a 80 mile stretch of federal land known as the Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge, warning citizens to stay out due to potential violence by Mexican drug cartels. This places this section of land off limits to American citizens leaving criminals based in Mexico free to control this section of land.

Here we have a President who criticizes Arizona for passing an anti-illegal immigration law to help protect itself and then takes action that, in effect, cedes part of that state to Mexican criminals rather than take appropriate action to defend our borders. This amounts to the President failing to keep his oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States which includes its national security and should be an impeachable offense. This, of course, will hardly happen given this absurdly disastrous and compliant Congress. I'm almost starting to believe that this President may indeed be a "Manchurian Candidate" planted to subvert our Constitution and way of life. It's almost surreal.

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