Saturday, June 26, 2010

Corporations Do Not Pay Taxes, People Do

Yes, you heard right. When a corporation or any business entity writes checks to pay taxes to the government, whether it be federal, state, or local, the cost of these taxes are always passed on to the individual in the price of the product or service they provide. The politicians who love getting more money from big oil, big pharma, or big anything, by "punishing" them for their alleged "greed" or "misdeeds", are really punishing you, the individual.

Take for instance the latest effort by Congress in its attempt to pass financial reform which includes a so called "assessment" to banks . Guess who pays? Right again - all of us end up paying in the form of increased fees or interest rates. Also, when a business needs to increase the price of their product or service, they may end up selling less, which means less production and, thus, they may have to lay off workers.

So, whenever you hear of government proposals to increase taxes on businesses, keep in mind that it amounts to a tax increase on all of us. The more government takes from the private sector, the more we lose.

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