Saturday, February 2, 2008

Can John McCain be Trusted?

I don't know John McCain personally and I have no way of knowing if he can be trusted to support conservative issues. He seems like an honorable person and one who adheres to his true principals. However, from what I know of his track record on some important issues I have some serious doubt that he is the person to represent conservatives. Some examples: giving legal status and other benefits to illegal immigrants over those who apply for citizenship legally, employing a hard core open borders advisor to his campaign, resisting tax cuts, suppressing free speech through campaign finance reform, giving constitutional status to illegal enemy combatants, etc.

I have to give him credit on his strong support for winning in Iraq and his support of President Bush in this regard. I do question his apparent ill temperment and the cheap shots he takes on Mitt Romney. Also, he seems much more conciliatory to his Democratic liberal friends than he does to his conservative base and fellow Republicans. He seems to show disdain for those that oppose him, unlike President Bush who doesn't seem to have a vindictive bone in his body and never seems to show disdain for some of his political opponents (although I have to admit at times I wish he did, but that is my temperment speaking; however, I am not the one running for political office).

So far, if John McCain gets the nod as it looks like he will, I will reserve my judgment on voting for him in the general election or write in Mitt Romney's or Fred Thompson's name, unless he is able to sincerely show that he will take a more conservative stand on some important issues. But as it stands right now, I will vote for Romney in the Massachusetts primary.



Unknown said...

Among the most disturbing things you mentioned is the open borders advocate you mentioned--what was his name?

I'll vote for McCain but with reservations.

oneconservative said...

His name is Juan Hernandez. Please see the following link.